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What is Labkey

From the hundreds of spreadsheets scattered on desktop computers, to the huge files generated in genomics and proteomics experiments, every research team faces data management challenges.

LabKey Server is a secure, web-based data management platform that helps you meet those challenges. It provides a flexible and scalable foundation for building applications customized to your research protocols, analysis tools and data sharing requirements.

LabKey Server continues to evolve as it has been successfully adapted to a diverse range of disciplines, including proteomics, flow cytometry, and observational study management.

Getting Started

The HIRN BC has a labkey server setup and configured for your use.

You will need an account to access Labkey. If you do not have an account, please see here:

If you already have a HIRN Labkeyaccount, URL: https://labkey.hirnetwork.orgopen a helpdesk ticket.


For full documentation, see here: