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SFTP Instructions

SFTP storage is intended for sharing scientific datasets. For administrative documents, meeting notes, etc please use the HIRN Document Repository instead.

If you do not have an account or are unsure how to access your account, please click here :

1. Download and install a suitable SFTP client. We recommend FileZilla. Please familiarize yourself with the FileZilla documentation if you are not familiar with this application.

2. Once you have an account, the hostname for the SFTP server is If you have an account, you will already have a username and password in your possession.

3. Upon successfully logging in, you will be greeted with a list of folders - one for each consortium, and a shared folder. By default everyone will have read/write permissions in the shared folder and read/write permissions for the particular consortium(s) you belong to. As it's name implies, the shared folder is intended to share datasets across all FTP users. You will not have read or write permissions for folders belonging to consortia you are not a member of